About the Program

The newly launched MIT Sloan Women on Boards in Latin America program (MSWoB) is a different kind of board education program uniquely focused on empowering and equipping accomplished women professionals with the skills and tools necessary to succeed in corporate boardrooms.

The true goal of MSWoB is to increase the number of women actually joining—and succeeding on—corporate boards.  To achieve this goal, our program also focuses on facilitating and fostering the formal and informal links, connections, and networks critical to the board selection process.

Our mission is clear: to substantially augment the presence and effectiveness of women in corporate directorships across Latin America. 

– Roberto Rigobon and Shari Loessberg, Faculty Co-Directors, MIT Sloan Women on Boards


  • Catalyze a radical change in the composition of Boards of Directors in Latin America.
  • Ensure equitable representation and harness the transformative power of diversity. 
  • Concretely prepare and support more qualified women to become part of boards. 
  • Design a comprehensive program that combines academic expertise with a practical perspective. 
  • Incorporate distinguished MIT professors and industry leaders. 
  • Educate and generate tangible results.